Saturday, April 11, 2009

Microsoft has unveiled their latest string of ad campaign. The "Laptop Hunters" series is right on the money. Microsoft has long been waiting for a right timing and I think they did it this time. For quite some time, Apple/Mac killed Microsoft popularity, fighting Microsoft head-on with bold ads and stereotypes.

Microsoft tried to get up and face Mac with a game-face. They did the 'I'm a PC' campaign which is not really successful.

The "Laptop Hunters" series is real and it focuses on PC's strongest assets. Value for Money. I think PC should definitely going to the right direction rather than trying to confront it's adversary in a second-rate kind of way.

In my opinion, these new series will try to pick-up Microsoft's core strength. Price, Computing Power, Variety and Customization and of course accessibility and compatibility.

Apple has long withstand the stigma of being "pricey" by shadowing it's brand with the almighty iPod and iPhone. But still, Macbooks are not bestsellers.

I still want to have a Mac. I believe it is more powerful and better than PC. But Microsoft should continue differentiating itself with Mac and continue targeting the right market segment

"They're going to have a harder time trying to justify those price points."

"I think Apple's going to have to deal with the issue at some point," McCutchin contends. "That's why Microsoft's strategy is so well-timed in making this more about price and value as opposed to some sort of coolness."


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