Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Came across a recent article on the web about Dell Latitude Z. And curiosity starts now. But of course, I have to see it, feel it and touch it personally. Will do a research on its advent here in the Philippines.

The system works a lot like your electric toothbrush. A special dock (available as a $200 option) has a coil of wire inside that matches up with a coil on the bottom of the Latitude Z. When the two coils come in contact, power is transferred over that small distance through induction. Dell says it is no slower to charge this way than through plug-in power (a standard plug is also available when you're on the road and away from the dock). Getting the laptop situated just-so on the dock so that the two coils are in contact didn't seem as easy as it should be, but overall I found the innovation to be decisively cool. [Read More]

Meanwhile, feast on the initial review for Latitude Z from Yahoo!


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