Sunday, April 26, 2009
Nokia is loosing its grip in the European market.

The S. Korean firm triumphed in getting the lead in the Europe mobile phone market according to GfK Market Research. Samsung topped the list in countries such as Britain, Belgium, Italy and France, with Samsung F480 as the frontrunner.

Perhaps, what could be the obvious reason in Samsung's unprecedented achievement is 'price factor', with the European market getting more price-conscious than ever before. 

But still Nokia remains to be undefeated in the worldwide-sales arena but with Samsung intensifying their marketing efforts, Nokia is in danger.

I hope Nokia will finally think out-of-box and get rid of the Symbian OS. Nokia may be a practical choice in buying a cellphone, but the consumer I think is getting bored with Nokia's aesthetic. Nokia has to step-up and start being aggressive, not only in driving sales but in generating top-notch technology and cutting-edge innovations. Hear that, Noki?


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