Monday, January 18, 2010
Hi Guys! Lately I have been looking out for the perfect broadband companion. I don't want to go for Globe or Smart because of the reliability issues, so I am keeping an eye for Bayan and Sun Cellular.

I will not be biased because I am a Bayan employee, besides there is no reason for me to be so since there are still a lot of room for Bayan to gain momentum in the mobile business.

I am using Sun Wireless Broadband right now. It is decent, I've been getting 300-600 Kbps average and it is pretty good. Besides being free, Sun Cellular's speed can be attributed to it's conservative subscriber base. But I need to look for better options. The Sun Wireless BB I am using right now is free for only '4' months.

I came across Bayan Wireless BB via EVDO technology. Take note that Bayan is running also on CDMA-EVDO Technology. I have a demo from them a couple of hours ago and it is just ok. Perhaps, maybe it is because I am located in a safari inside QC that's why my EVDO CPE is not picking-up the appropriate signal, but nevertheless it was a satisfactory surf.

I will get an employee discount from this so I daresay 'why not try it?'.


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